Radio and Repeater Setup

We can't promise to be able to answer all questions around radios and setup, but we are a friendly bunch of people who are willing to do what we can. The best way to get help is to jump on the radio and ask questions, but obviously - if you are having trouble getting on air, then that's a challenge!

If you are a facebook user, a good way to get help from the owners and other members is to sign up to the Front Range GMRS Facebook page. If you are fully signed up here on the site, and have added your callsign, there is a facebook signup code on your profile page here on the site. For other issues an email to will reach Keifer / WRJV982 who manages this site.

For Signup and Website Help

If your callsign is not being accepted on our site.

First step, do a lookup at the FCC Callsign Search page and make sure that your license comes up here, and is in an active state. If that looks good, it could be that the FCC service we use to digitally verify licenses is down. Also, if you JUST got your license, it's possible that the FCC is being slow about adding it to the database used by this digital service.

You have two options:

  • If you are a new licensee, wait a couple of days until the FCC add you to this specific database.
  • Follow the "Alternative" method detailed in the add callsign page. It's a bit more involved, but it queries the FCC website, which is the source of truth around licenses.
If you've had your callsign for a while, but our website isn't accepting it then it's possible that the FCC service is down completely, and again, the alternative option should work.

Front RangeGMRS

Front Range GMRS

© 2021 FrontRangeGMRS